If Social Services Removed Your Children — CA Attorney Vincent W. Davis Explains How To Respond
Listen as California attorney Vincent W. Davis discusses some possible options you have if social services has come into your home and removed your children.
While trying to resolve your social services case, you may want to do everything possible so that your children do not end up in the foster care system.
To help prevent this from happening, it’s in your best interest to find a relative that can take your child and does not hold any ill will towards you. A friendly relative can allow your child to be with someone they love instead of strangers. It can also allow you a more lenient process when visiting with your child or children. You need to bring a list to the social worker and to the court of those who can help you in this matter. Don’t bring just one or two names, bring a hundred names. The more names you can list the less likely your child is placed into the foster system and way from their family. Watch the video to learn more.
To learn more about juvenile dependency law, I encourage you to watch the video above and to explore our educational website athttps://www.helpfightcps.com , to view more resources in regards to your case. If you have legal questions, feel free to call us at (800) 871-7282. I welcome your call.