Listen as California attorney Vincent W. Davis tells you what you should do if someone has brought a complaint against you to social services.
Whether it be a neighbor or angry relative, someone has told social services that you either are an alcoholic or a drug addict and now they’ve removed the kids from the home. What do you do?
First of all, if the allegations are false we want to know where they came from. We want to ask the social worker if they are able to tell you who filed this complaint so that you can defend yourself. Complaints about alcohol and drugs are common, yet they are still inherent dangers to a child in the home. You want to ensure anything you’re doing cannot be misconstrued as alcohol or drug abuse as this would further delay your juvenile dependency case. Watch the video to learn more.
To learn more about juvenile dependency law, I encourage you to watch the video above and to explore our educational website at https://www.fightchildprotectiveservic…, to get information regarding your own local juvenile dependency court.